Demotivated? Drifting through the week? Have you been dreading today?

Remember when you used to have drive and got up with an enthusiasm for the day? It wasn’t supposed to be like this. So, what would it be like if you could reclaim your drive?

Here are 3 quick ways to get back on track:

  1. Get clear on what you really want.

It’s easy to focus on all the things that you don’t like and want to change about your life but the question we all need to consider is what do you want? Specifically. What do you really want?

Be careful not to think about what you don’t want. The unconscious mind will present to you that which you focus on…and it doesn’t process negatives. That’s why people who focus on loss- weight loss, giving up smoking etc. rarely achieve long term change. When they focus on not smoking, all the unconscious hears is ‘smoking’ and when that is on the mind, it is only a matter of time before a relapse occurs.

Try it yourself…I want you to close your eyes and not think of a barking dog. Really focus on not thinking about that barking dog. It’s hard, right? Well, I’m all for making things as easy as possible so let’s focus on what we do want.

2. Be at cause.

This means accepting responsibility for everything in your life. Wear the crown. Doing this alone will change the way you experience life.

Another thing about the unconscious mind….it loves serving. A bit like a SatNav though, it needs precise and consistent instructions. A good way to do this is by standing in the future, go to a time when you have already got what you want and imagine it in detail, like a film scene. Utilise all your senses.  I have a template on my website which you can download for free at the foot of the homepage. Setting a powerful vision for the future gives your unconscious something to chase.

Don’t forget to et your intention. Tell your mind what you want from it. Your unconscious mind loves to serve and it needs clear and consistent instructions to do so. Begin planning your day the night before and decide what you want to achieve and how you want to feel, what state would best fit your objective. DO you need to be excited, motivated, calm, creative, curious etc.?

3. Make progress

Making progress, no matter how small, each day gives you momentum. Small gains add up and will inch you inextricably towards the life you really want. Once you have decided on what you do want, you need a plan to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

Human beings don’t do change well- we are habitual creatures. It can be tough to maintain a new behaviour. This is where the power of habit stacking and marginal gains comes in.

A mini challenge you can do which illustrates the power of marginal gains is:

  1. Do as many press ups as you can- make a note. Have a rest then do half that amount. Another rest, then do half the second amount. E.g. 20 (rest), 10 (rest), 5 (rest)
  2. Tomorrow, add 1 press up (21, 10, 5)
  3. The next day, add another 1 (22, 11, 5)
  4. You get the picture….repeat, repeat, repeat

I did this myself recently and it works really well- I doubled the amount of press ups that I could do. It shows that marginal improvements do stack up- if you make a 1% change every day, think of how far you can get in a month or a year. 

Habit stacking is when you take something you already do well and add on something that you want to do. For example, if you wanted to read more, you might read a book on your commute rather than scrolling social media. If you wanted to change career, you could look at jobs while waiting for the kettle to boil.

Your mind always looks for the path of least resistance, so we need to make the path to success as smooth as possible.

If you are starting something new, you also need to consider when you will find the time to do it. I work best first thing in a morning- it is when I’m at my most creative and able to deal with more complex problems. I am also far more disciplined in a morning when compared to an evening. I know people for who the reverse is true.

Whenever you work best, dedicate that time to improving your situation. If you have decided to look for a new job, create a plan and use your most productive time to execute it. Just 15 minutes adds up and creates momentum.

You probably already know when this time is for you- if not, take a time journal and look at the activities you do naturally and see if there is a pattern. When do you have the least interruptions? Where is the best place to do it?

Once you know, you need to:

a) protect this time

b) plan effectively

c) commit

I suggest a night time routine during which you review the day and plan the next- this will help when it comes to setting your intention. Having a plan for your most productive time is key as this allows your unconscious mind to begin work while you sleep. How easy is that?!

Commitment is absolutely paramount- keep your promises to yourself. If you plan to get up at 5:30 am and have your workout planned, you must then be committed to doing it. No hitting snooze, no “I’ll start again tomorrow”. If you plan to do it, follow through. No. Matter. What.  Doing so shifts your neurology and you’ll feel better for it. You don’t have to start living like a marine, you just need to do what you plan to do- what that looks like, is entirely up to you.

If you want help crafting your compelling future, want to remove some of the hurdles on the way or simply want accountability, I would love to be a part of your journey.

Reach out using the links below. I can’t wait to hear from you.

 Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01484 502138